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AI and Scholarly Content

UNSW Library provides access to a broad range of scholarly resources which are protected by copyright and are also subject to licence agreements that may place restrictions on how you use them. 

The information presented here provides specific guidance for UNSW researchers and teaching academics.

Information specifically for students be found on the Academic Skills for Current Students and AI page.

​For specific requests to use custom data please refer to the individual publisher information below.

There are a number of general conditions that researchers and academics should be aware of:

  • Prohibition on Automated Scraping

The use of automated means to access or gather information is expressly prohibited. This safeguard ensures compliance with ethical standards and legal boundaries.​

  • Source Content and Algorithm Protection

Reverse engineering of source content or algorithms is strictly forbidden. By preserving the integrity and security of AI systems, we maintain trust and uphold best practices.​

  • Limitations on Training Data

Publisher datasets containing scholarly content cannot be utilised for training AI systems. This restriction prevents unauthorised access to proprietary information and promotes responsible data usage.​

  • Publication Restrictions

Any datasets generated during AI research cannot be included in published research outputs. This measure safeguards the originality and confidentiality of scholarly work. ​

  • Requirement to attribute use of AI​

             Publisher require researchers to attribute any use of AI when submitting publications. ​

Individual publisher information below

Licensed Scholarly Resources and AI

Individual Publisher Details


Publisher Terms of Use & Further Information
Cambridge University Press

InformationCambridge's AI Research Ethics Policy contains a set of guidelines designed to assist researchers with generative AI tools and how these can be used whilst continuing to uphold academic standards around plagiarism, transparency and originality.

Cambridge also provide more specific information on Research Publishing Ethics Guidelines for Journals and Research Publishing Ethics Guidelines for Books and Elements.

See also Cambridge's Authorship and Contributorship page which has some information on AI contributions to research content.

Contact: Cambridge can be contacted at


(Scopus AI)

InformationElsevier Guidelines provides information on the duties of the author, publisher and editor when using generative AI tools in the publishing process.

Publishing Ethics for Articles contains further information on originality, acknowledgement of sources, and using generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies.

Publishing Ethics for Books contains further information on the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies and policies for book authors.

Elsevier also also provide information for researchers wishing to utilise Scopus Custom Data.

Contact: Elsevier can be contacted on the Scopus Contact Us page.


Information: Sage provides guidance for researchers and authors in the use of ChatGPT and Generative AI, particularly in the use of Large Language Models and generative AI tools in writing submissions for publication. 

Sage's Using AI in Peer Review and Publishing page also provides advice and guidance for researchers around the use of AI in the editing and peer review phases of scholarly publishing. 

Sage Policy on the Use of LLMs in Submission

Potential Biases in Generative AI

The Use of LLMs or AI Tools in Peer Review

Combatting the Use of AI to Generate Spurious Content

Detecting Generative AI and LLMs

Contact: The Resources for Journal Authors, Editors and Reviewers page is the first point of contact for all AI tools and LLM related questions.

Springer Nature

Information: Nature's Artificial Intelligence (AI) page outlines its policies around AI authorship, the use of Generative AI images and AI use by peer reviewers. 

More information on Editorial policies and the use of AI within the Springer Nature portfolio can be found in the following:

Artificial Intelligence - Nature Portfolio

Artificial Intelligence - Springer

Springer Open Artificial Intelligence Policies

Springer Nature's Research Data Policy

Contact: Further information for use of Springer Nature custom data can be found at the Research Data Help Desk.

Taylor & Francis

Information: The Taylor and Francis AI Policy provides guidance for authors and researchers and their accountability for the originality, validity and integrity of the content they produce for submission. The policy outlines several positions in regard to AI including the clear acknowledgement of any use of Generative AI tool when submitting articles. This policy also contains information relevant for editors and peer reviewers.

Further information can be found on the Taylor & Francis Editorial Policies and Publishing Guidelines for Book Authors pages.

Contact: Taylor & Francis can be contacted at their Global Offices page for further information.

If you have suggestions for other publishers you would like to see AI terms & conditions for please email the Collection Development Team at


UNSW Library cannot confirm with 100% accuracy a publisher's position on the use of AI Assisted Technologies. It is recommended that you use the provided information as a starting point for your research of the publisher's and/or journal’s Editorial Policies and Author Guidelines related to AI Assisted Technologies.


Publishers' positions are constantly being updated on the use of AI Assisted Technologies. For the most up-to-date information contact the publisher directly.

This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as publishers provide further guidance.

This guide supplements but does not supersede UNSW Sydney Policies & Guidelines.